Have you ever reached a point in which life became puzzling and your mind was overrun by questions? I have. At the point in which this story begins, I had reached such a place and my heart was filled with questions. I had everything I wanted but was miserable inside. Many news articles and unusual weather patterns seemed to signal changing and uncertain times. I wondered if our world as we know it would possibly end during my lifetime and I began to question if I was prepared to meet the Lord for judgment. Would I really make it to Heaven?
Not knowing who to go to, my search for help began in bookstores. Searching the self-help section of bookstores, I hoped to find answers to my own countless questions. When I was unable to find my answers in the self-help areas, I turned to the religious book section for help.
These experiences inspired me to attempt to share what I learned and experienced in my own search for truth, hopefully in a tone of love. In addition, I have tried to keep this book short for the ease of my readers. One could easily read the book in a short time, however, I do not suggest that. This book attempts to prepare every reader to humbly receive biblical correction where it is needed.
As I personally learned in my effort to draw closer to God, His corrections initiate changes that often are uncomfortable and are difficult to accept. Consequently, I suggest reading the material slowly and prayerfully while humbly seeking to draw closer to God. In this book I share my own lessons of spiritual growth as I searched for truth. This testimony offers answers to all believers—and especially to Catholics—which can lead them to a closer personal relationship with the Mighty God in Christ Jesus. I pray it will bless you, assist you, and encourage you as you begin, or continue, your spiritual journey.
R. L. Montgomery
This book, my testimony, is dedicated to my brother who invited me to my first prayer meeting wherein I first believed. Because of his invitation I later received the beautiful baptism of the Holy Ghost. To my brother, Will, who later turned from the Holy Spirit to seek a deeper Catholic experience, and to the many others who attended the prayer meetings is this book written and dedicated. I pray they will return to seeking the guidance of the Holy Ghost and will allow Him to lead them into all truth. “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)